Online course

Feedback skills for team leads

💻 Online asynchronous learning
⌛️ Requires 4-6 hours of effort over 1 week
✍️ Includes practical assignments with personalized feedback
🏆 Designed by tech practitioners with years of experience
🗓 Next cohort starts: Apr 29th
Reserve your spot

Sounds familiar?

"One person in my team is underperforming. I don’t know how to talk about it without starting a conflict or offending that person 😬"
"I am frustrated by the behaviour of my colleague and it affects my productivity. But I don’t know how to change it 🙄"
"It's an annual feedback cycle, I need to prepare and deliver feedback for my team members. And I have no idea how to do it 🤷"

We help you speak your mind and provide feedback with empathy

🗓 Next cohort starts: July 3rd

Modern leaders deserve modern training

Learning by doing
You don’t have time for empty theory and abstract case studies.
We believe in learning by doing, so our program is based on practical tasks within the context of your work
Say goodbye to mind-numbing, hours-long workshops. Our course is completely asynchronous, meaning you learn at your own pace. Practice in peace and chat live with trainers and fellow learners whenever you want.
Created by practitioners
We don’t preach ideal leadership theories. We know they don’t work in real life. Our trainers are leaders in tech startups who have first-hand experience applying leadership principles in practice.

How it works

What our customers say

"This course gave me the tools and practice of structuring my feedback in a constructive, non prescriptive way. 
I enjoyed that the tasks based on real-life situations, and received a very timely, actionable feedback from the coach. I've been applying what I learned for a few weeks and already see the difference!"
Ira Wissel,
Product Lead, Flink

I would really recommend the course as your go-to cheatsheet to provide effective feedback that will also enable stronger connections. By the end of the class you will be able to apply this magic formula to all different professional and personal situations. Thank you, Lana and Christine for organizing the course!
Raluca Bujoreanu,
Principal Product Manager, Zalando

Practical assignments were the game changer for me in this course. I enjoyed the opportunity to receive the feedback from Christine, and it allowed me to see my communication patterns. Course materials helped me to understand my areas of responsibility when it comes to feedback and communication, and I learnt tools that help me communicate feedback without being too direct. This course will definitely be relevant for anyone working in Product.
Daniil Murin,
Product Manager, Bonial

I found the feedback course to be very effective. It was not too long and the ratio between theory and practice was just right. More importantly I was able to apply to put it to practice immediately.
Amir Baruch,
Senior Product Manager, Bolt

🗓 Next cohort starts: July 3rd

After the training you will:

have a framework to formulate your feedback (and no, it’s not a shit sandwich one 🥪)
have practical skills to deliver your feedback without offending others
feel empowered to speak up when something frustrates you
have confidence that you can address effectively underperformance, conflicts and other difficult work situations

About the trainer

Christine Maree is a leadership coach with a background in pedagogy. She has 15 years of experience in learning & development roles in the public and private sectors. In recent years she has focussed exclusively on training new team leads in fast-growing Tech startups.
🗓 Next cohort starts: Apr 29th